Use this guide to find attractions, fuel, moorage, and supplies on your trip. Happy sailing!
Cruise directly under the Golden Gate Bridge and around Alcatraz as you take in San Francisco’s famed skyline aboard your boat. View marine wildlife up close and personal. You may see sea lions, pelicans, dolphins, and perhaps even a whale while traveling around the bay.
“If you can sail in San Francisco,” the saying goes, “you can sail anywhere in the world.” While that may be a bit of a stretch, the reverse is certainly true: “You can sail anywhere in the world on San Francisco Bay.” We’re speaking figuratively, of course.
Check it out:
Caribbean — Reaching back and forth behind the Tiburon Peninsula on a hot September afternoon feels an awful lot like the Caribbean.
Mediterranean — A few passes from Richardson Bay to Hurricane Gulch and back are just like the Med: There’s either way too much wind or practically none, and it comes from all directions.
Roaring Forties — Sail out to the Farallones and back on one of those 40-knot days. Cape Horn will seem like a piece of cake.
South Pacific — Sail up to the Delta around July and you’ll get a taste of what sailing the trade winds is like. When the wind shuts off, you’ll also get a good idea of what the South Pacific bugs and humidity are like.